Monday, October 26, 2009

Violence Against Women Around The World

Violence against women and girls continues without any signs of slowing in every continent, country and culture. It takes a devastating toll on women’s lives, on their families, and on society as a whole. Most societies forbid such violence — yet the reality is that too often; it is covered up or even accepted.
I will explain to you not 1, not 2 but 6 diffrent types of abuse

Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence includes physical and sexual attacks against women in the home, within the family or within an intimate relationship.
It can happen to anyone with no race, age or financial discrimination.
And it is not your fault!!
In many countries women themselves think that it is right for a man to beat his wife as form of punishment. Some reasons are: She burns the food, she neglects the children, and she doesn’t want to have sex with me! But the truth is no matter what the reason such behaviour is abusive and can be punish.

Sexual violence
It is estimated that worldwide, one in five women will become a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. In many societies, the legal system and community attitudes add to the trauma that rape survivor’s experience. Women are often held responsible for the violence against them. In South Africa, women have been raped and beaten up just because they were wearing skirts. They call that corrective rape. In countries under the Shari a, if a married woman is raped and cannot present 2 male witnesses it considered adultery and she is to be stoned to death. But even more in Some parts of India if a rapist proposes to marry his victim he is allowed to go free.

Harmful traditional practices
Female Genital Mutilation is the female circumcision. Often part of fertility or coming-of-age rituals, FGM is sometimes justified as a way to ensure chastity and “purity.” An estimated 130 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM, mainly in Africa and some Middle Eastern countries.
Early Marriage is a very common practise in Africa, South Asia and Middle East. In Iran a father can marry his daughter from the age of thirteen and in Africa some girls are promised the minute they are born. Families marry off their young daughters as a mean of gaining economic security and status for themselves. Due to the common practice of “bride money,” the girl child becomes an asset exchangeable for money or goods. Families see committing a young daughter (or sister) to a family that is able to pay a high price for the bride as a viable solution to their poverty. But Insecurity and conflict crises also support early marriage.

Trafficking involves the recruitment and transportation of persons, using deception, violence and threats in order to place and keep them in a situation of forced labour, slavery or servitude. Women are trafficked into a variety of sectors of the informal economy, including prostitution, domestic work, agriculture or the garment industry. Poverty puts women and girls at a higher risk to be targeted by traffickers.

Armed Conflicts
The victims in today’s armed conflicts are far more likely to be civilians than soldiers. Some 70 percent of the casualties in recent conflicts have been non-combatants — most of them women and children. Women’s bodies have become part of the battleground for those who use terror as a tactic of war — they are raped, abducted, humiliated and made to undergo forced pregnancy, sexual abuse and slavery. During the genocide in Rwanda 500000 women were raped an in Congo today a woman is raped every two hours.

HIV/AIDS Violence
Women’s inability to negotiate safe sex and refuse unwanted sex- meaning being unable to say “no!” to a partner and be heard, leading to sexual assault such as rape-is closely linked to the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Violence is also a consequence of HIV/AIDS: for many women, the fear of violence prevents them from declaring their HIV-positive status and seeking help and treatment. In 1998, in South Africa Gugu Dlhamini was stoned to death by male members of her community after she declared her HIV positive Status on television and radio on World Aids Day.

Don't say it will never happen to me, because the truth is that most us probably will experience violence at least once. Be aware and make sure you are strong and know how to deal with this challenge.

Funny horoscope

Hi everyone this is today's horoscope!!!

The richer they are, the more money they have to spend paying you off. Remember that. Today will seem like a good day for disregarding advice concerning things that are generally considered to be bad for you. Potato salesmen may call today and leave you a spud on your doorstep.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How my favourite foods are related to Market Day!

Yesterday, during another meeting with the sponsorship group, we came aacross a new and exciting subject: Market Day!

Since our group will represent France,your Faithful servant (Me) had no trouble separating german and british dishes from true French Cuisine, but still something was missing. I had to share my passion with you! Yes, you!

So here are 5 of my Favourite french dessert, some of them (I won't say which ones) you will find during Market day on the 19th of October at CPUT Cape Town Campus


Today's funny Horoscope

You will be glad of a loved one's ability to almost painlessly remove splinters from your backside. Your legs look nice today. Show them off in some kind of very short skirt that nearly shows your organy-bits. "Have a good day!" is not something you'll want to hear from anyone as you suffer from a bottom related illness.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today's Leo Horoscope

Your attitude may not be perfectly on point, but it is helping you maintain your sanity while people seem to freak out and lose their minds around you. It's a great day for holding back with comments.

I am not psychic of course,though I wish! But I will gladly post those daily astrological tips for believers. (Leo or not, nobody's perfect lol)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome!!! Bienvenu!!! Welkom!!! Molweni!!!

Welcome Everyone!!

I would like to thank you for passing and make my day. The blog is still quite new,but with time I think I will master the sacred art of blogging!!!

Don't forget to click on the follow button!!

Have a good one!!!